Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

go slow to go fast

In running and in life, it's not how fast you go that will determine how you perform. It's how little you slow down (or stop altogether). It’s all about sustainability.

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

finding your WHY

When it comes to creating something new in your life, it’s not the inspired moments that are challenging. It’s when you don’t have any reason to believe it can work.

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

forward is a pace

What if you realized that every step forward, whether that’s taking a small action or merely being patient, means you’re on pace to reach your goal?

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

pain as opportunity

Whatever in your life is causing you nagging pain right now might just be an opportunity to grow, to become stronger, and to get better at something.

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

having your own back

No amount of approval from anyone else is as good as the approval that comes from your own self.

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

know yourself

It feels good to know yourself. And when you’ve been away, it feels good to come home to yourself.

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

shoot your shot

You know what drives me crazy? The idea that you only have one chance at any given thing to get it right.

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Amy Briggs Amy Briggs

when the world feels crazy

In times when it may feel like there’s nothing you can do as an individual to make the world safer, more peaceful, more kind, more intelligent…I’m here to let you know that you can. Here's how.

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