Come home to yourself

Amy Briggs DM, CPC, ICW

Welcome! My name is Amy Briggs, and I’m a transformational life coach and integrative change worker. I help you live the life YOU want to live…fully and fearlessly. When you let go of who you think you’re supposed to be, and become who you really want to be, you free up a huge amount of creative energy. Be yourself!

How would you like to feel?

If I could wave a magic wand in front of you right now - and you could have anything - what would you change? If that change happened instantly, how would you feel? Would you be energized, inspired, lit up? Would you do something different with your life? How would you spend your time, and who would you choose to be around?

I work with people who want to make changes - big or small.

You may feel stuck or unfulfilled in some area of your life. You know something’s ‘off’, despite having achieved professional and worldly success. Intuitively, you feel that something needs to change. You long for something different but stepping into the unknown feels scary! Deep down, you know that there’s more to life than your current routine.

Just be myself…why is that so hard?

I think human conditioning is like a treadmill that we are put on as small children. We’re raised, schooled, and peer-pressured away from what feels right to us and we’re encouraged to be how society wants us to be. Because this happens to pretty much everyone, most people aren’t aware of this as a problem. It’s just normal. A lot of folks seem content to keep chugging along on the treadmill.

However, times are changing. And if you’re reading this…

You’re waking up. You’re starting to realize that conditioning is a scam. You fantasize about stepping off the treadmill and taking your life back. Maybe you’ve never identified as ‘spiritual’ but suddenly find yourself with the burning desire to explore your purpose in life. You want to be yourself, say what you feel, and be around people who ‘get’ you on a deeper level.

To transform is not to become someone else…it’s actually the reverse. When you lose the ‘someone else’ you become more of yourself.

Guess what? You’re not alone! I have these conversations with people every day. I am a sort of doula who helps people transform into what’s next…even if what’s next is a great unknown. I work with people from many backgrounds: professors and graduate students at prestigious academic institutions, executives and professionals from a variety of industries, stay-at-home parents, artists and musicians, retirees. My clients tend to be sensitive and empathic. They are high-performing, highly-driven achievers who long to feel more at home in their lives.

I help people come home to themselves so life is easier and happier. I can help you, too.

Change work: how does it work?

Change work is an alchemical process in which you become yourself. As your coach, I help you explore what that means for you. We will meet weekly by Zoom or phone over a 3-month period. We’ll get a good sense of what’s not working in your life, and why that is. We’ll explore the heck out of who you want to be…who you would be if you placed no restrictions on yourself. In our sessions, you’ll begin to embody and identify with the real you as we uncover the fears, doubts, and beliefs that have gotten in the way. I’ll ask you lots of questions, and teach you self-directed neuroplasticity tools and techniques for rewiring old unhelpful thought patterns into new empowering ones. I’ll also use hypnosis techniques to help you make meaning of the life you’ve lived, and to prepare you - body, mind, and soul - for the life you’re creating. You’ll start to believe that you actually can be whoever you want to be and have what you imagine. And you’ll discover exponential new possibilities that you’d never considered. Sound good?

As your coach and change worker, I have your back. I am here for you every step of the way, especially when change feels scary or difficult (and let’s face it, it will sometimes). After a few months, you might feel complete - or you may choose to continue coaching for as long as it feels good to you. Many of my clients opt for ongoing coaching support, because not only does having an ally feel amazing, but they keep discovering new ways they want to grow.

What My Clients Are Saying

  • Madeline

    “Finding Amy's coaching was exactly what I needed and came at a time of transition and confusion. Working with her gave me a future-focused, empowering 3 months to help me gain much more self-compassion, explore my superpowers, and align myself with my values to gain clarity on what I really want out of life. She also gave me skills, feedback, and tools to continue to work on these things beyond our sessions. It was the best investment I could have made.”

  • Nadia

    “Working with Amy was a truly transformative experience. In each of our four sessions together, I learned new tools that I am still using. Amy listened to me deeply, never pushing an agenda but discovering what was present for me in order to make suggestions and get me to try things out. Not only did I get very clear about my priorities, but I was able to reconnect in such a visceral way with the joy and wonder that originally brought me to what I do for a living. 1000% recommend coaching with Amy.”

  • Catherine

    “Amy has an outlook that invites you to have curiosity in the ways in which you are appearing in the world. Her exercises and discussions are enjoyable and thought provoking and stay with you long after the session is over. I have some of the concepts we discussed written as notes that I refer to often. I felt as though she helped me to new and inspiring perspectives.”

  • Fredrica

    “Amy is a fabulous coach. She's a skilled listener and she helped me move some rocks out of my path, helped me to have a vision for what's ahead and to value who I am - to claim my best self.”

  • Michael

    “Working with Amy was such a positive experience! She helped me get through a difficult period with some exceptionally useful tools and a very kind and empathetic heart. I now feel empowered and confident in taking on the challenges that lie ahead! Thanks, Amy!”

  • Fiona

    “Working with Amy was wonderful. She is so calm, respectful, and supportive. She guides each session kindly with questions and reflection. Working with Amy helped shift my perspective on my approach to work and life!”

  • Laura

    “Amy's coaching is highly personalized and adaptive to each individual's unique situation. She is patient, kind, and understanding. She has truly made a difference in my life and in my ability to better understand and handle my emotions and has provided endless opportunities for a more centered and grounded life. Thank you Amy!”

  • Kat

    “It’s truly a pleasure working with Amy. She listens intuitively and guides our sessions with kindness and patience. Each coaching interaction leaves me pleasantly surprised at how we accomplish my goals with such ease and grace. Amy genuinely likes people and her coaching is a gift.”

  • Celestyna

    “I went into my session with you with such heavy, blah, can’t see a way out of this energy, and at the end of the session I was so sad I had something else to do, cause I felt so energized and had so many ideas! You literally poured new life into me, and I have no idea how, but thank you. I can’t quite articulate how powerful it was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time when all felt hopeless af ❤”

  • Stephanie

    “5 gold stars for Amy Briggs! It is so easy to talk and connect with Amy, and as a concert pianist and ultra marathoner, there is no better person to help you define, set and work toward goals. During my sessions with Amy my goal was to imagine 'my next act'. At 53 I felt stuck -- I've lived many of my dreams and struggled to imagine if I had any left. A welcome surprise was the information she shared about how the brain, emotion and belief are interconnected. Having that science base built my trust in the process. Each week I would bring a topic to explore. During several of our 8 sessions Amy would guide 2 -10 minute 'imagining' or 'mind quieting' exercises ...her questions and prompts were so brilliantly crafted --- each time I connected to an essential underlying belief or powerful emotion that I'd think about all week until our next session. It has been a few months since we completed our sessions yet the insights and questions continue to impact my life in powerful ways. I am getting aware of the amount of free real estate I give to my thoughts about injustices or mistreatments. Injustices happen, but we allow ourselves to relive the pain by inviting them into our headspace (hours and hours and hours). I am also experiencing how one person can transform a relationship. I love her questions on Facebook and look forward to joining one of her themed groups. Amy is the real deal; I am so thankful for my work with her.”

  • Carolyn

    “Our session was really beautiful. You helped me tap back into a spiritual alignment I’d felt disconnected from for a while which was really special. (And seemingly effortless?!)”

I’m a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. A premier association for wellness practitioners

Are you ready to come home to yourself? Click below to schedule a free 60-minute connection call with me and we’ll explore what working together could look like. Or, email me at or visit the Contact page with questions.