Your True Color

Imagine that you - fully expressed in the world - are a color. Your color is customized and unique. It could be bright and vibrant, a bold neon, or deep and smoky. It could be a gentle pastel, or translucent or sparkly. Whatever your color, it’s noticeable. It’s a one-in-8-billion people on the planet kind of color. It’s your signature.

Let’s say that you are born with this color, and as you live, express yourself, share your gifts, follow your curiosity and interests, and generally be ‘you’ in the world, your color becomes sharper and more defined. As your life unfolds, you become more of yourself. Your color becomes even more lovely and easy for others to see.

Now let’s tweak this scenario a bit. You come into the world with an essential color, and it’s beautiful and noticeable. But in this reality you’re told how to be from very early on. ‘Don’t cry!’ ‘Sit up straight; don’t talk back.’ ‘You’re a boy/girl and so you’re supposed to/not supposed to do this.’ ‘Don’t be full of yourself.’ ‘Nice people don’t do that.’  And blah, blah, blah.

To be fair, you may also receive a lot of love. But the negative comments pull at you because they hurt. Inherently you know you are worthy and lovable. When the opposite is suggested, it goes against your truth. But since you need to survive, you listen.

Every time you’re scolded for being yourself, every time restrictions and limits are set on who you’re allowed to be, your unique color gets a little duller. You adapt yourself to be OK and fit in. To not be kicked out of the pack. To make people like you. To get into the right college. To succeed at the career someone told you was best. As you modify yourself to be acceptable, your color becomes really dull. Before long you’re blending into the pea-soup-colored crowd.

See where I’m going with this? You have a true color - one that’s never been seen before. Being yourself - or becoming yourself again - is color restoration. Nothing needs to be added to bring your true color back. But some dullness - in the form of old ideas, thoughts and beliefs - is ready to go.

Ready to drop the dullness and shine your vibrant color to the world? Click here to see how to work with me. May your week be filled with self-love and deep insights. With love, Amy ♡♡♡


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