we’re in this together

It’s November 5 in the United States, and to say this election is a big one would be a gross understatement.

I’ve been personally invested in elections in the past. I knocked on doors in Northwest Indiana for Obama in 2008 and celebrated his win on election night in Grant Park in Chicago.

However, the intensity of feelings I’ve felt this time around is next level. I’ve experienced feelings on both sides of the spectrum: anxiety, fear, anger, and disgust, as well as hope, admiration, joy, and inspiration.

I see others express similar feelings. Regardless of what you believe and how you vote, most of us would agree that as a country, we’re as divided as we’ve ever been. And I believe that most of us long for politics to be less stressful.

Let’s make elections boring again, right?

I have a message to share today. One that I hope resonates no matter what your political views are.

We may not agree on a lot of things, but as Americans we inhabit this country - and on a larger scale we inhabit this earth - together. I do believe that we have so much more in common with our fellow humans than we have things that divide us.

What I believe people want most is to live good lives.

Lives of freedom and opportunity.

Lives of cooperation and community.

Lives that are meaningful to us, and of service to others.

We want to thrive, and we want the people we love to thrive.

The rhetoric thrown around during election season can leave us feeling like our very life’s happiness is on the line. And while we should believe politicians when they tell us who they are and what they would do, it’s also important - even crucial - that we know how to calm and regulate ourselves.

Because while as citizens each of us has a voice and the power to cast a vote, as individuals we can’t ultimately control who is elected.

And that can seem terrifying.

So, my fellow human, what CAN we control?

We can choose who we are going to be in the new administration.

Sure, I know who I want my next president to be. But if that doesn’t happen, I still have choice.

I get to choose how I’m going to serve my community.

I get to choose the values that I will uphold.

I get to choose to take care of myself and those around me.

I get to choose kindness and cooperation.

I get to choose to speak out when I see injustice, and I get to choose to use my voice to advocate for solutions and a better way forward.

We can choose love over fear. We can choose love over hate. We can choose love over division.

No one gets to choose that for you but yourself.

We can choose to be active - whether that means joining an organization, donating money, or volunteering our time.

We can choose what activism means to us. It can be quiet, or it can be loud. It can be grass-roots or large-scale.

You can be an activist just by being open-minded, being a good listener and helping out others in your own community.

I mean, how powerful is that? Can you imagine if we all did that?

It’s important to remember that we’re in this together.

We can choose to create a better community, country, and world together. We can care for each other. We can be there for each other. We can help each other out when we sometimes forget how to take care of ourselves.

As the author Louise Hay famously said, ‘Your power is in the present moment.’

As easy as it may be to imagine a scary future, 100% of your personal power is with you right here and right now.

You’re the only one who can choose how you’re going to show up today.

You’re the only one who can choose your attitude.

You’re the only one who can choose love over fear and hate.

How do you want to live going forward? Who do you want to be?

I see a world in which we prioritize our commonalities and approach our differences with curiosity and respect.

I see a world in which we look out for each other and offer help where it’s needed.

I see a world in which we want everyone to thrive…and we understand that thriving looks different for different people.

So, my friend…it’s election day.

How will it all shake out? I have no idea, and you probably don’t either.

But I know that regardless of the outcome, we’re going to be OK.

Because we have the tools to take care of ourselves and each other.

There is so much that unites us.

And no matter what happens, we’re in this together.

Click here to schedule a free 60-minute connection call to chat about what’s up for you. And for more juicy life stuff, check out my podcast, coming home (to yourself). As always, may your week be filled with self-love and rich insights. With love, Amy ♡♡♡


the case for feeling your feelings


tiny happy baby steps