the question to ask yourself

Last week I wrote that feeling bored with what you do - your job or career path, let’s say - is much more common than you’d think. I know this not only because I’ve lived it, but also because I work with people who are experiencing it.

These people come from every field and industry. It’s not just the corporate types who feel burned out or ready for a major change. I’ve worked with artists and musicians, athletes and people who work for non profits. I’ve worked with people who own successful small businesses, as well as professionals like doctors and lawyers…the list goes on.

The thing that they all have in common is that the work they do no longer feels like it fits. Sometimes they’re downright bored. Mostly, they want their vocation to feel meaningful and purposeful.

You may know that you want to make a change, but you may not know where to start. Having realized this, it’s easy to panic. When you’re faced with such a big desire, it can be tempting to put the cart before the horse and think you need to figure it all out right away.

Not feeling in tune with your work is uncomfortable. You might look for a quick solution to relieve your discomfort.

But making fast or impulsive decisions rarely leads to satisfying results.

When it’s time for a change in direction, there is one question to ask yourself:

Who am I at this moment in my life?

You could ask this question in other ways. For instance:

What really matters to me right now?

What do I care about?

When do I feel most fulfilled?

I invite you to drop whatever you’re doing and answer this question - right now! - because, listen up:

You are not the same person you were 20 years ago, or 10 years ago. Maybe not even 5 years ago!

And even if you were much the same, but with 20 less years of life experience, chances are you weren’t asking yourself this question back then.

Am I right?

When we’re younger, we’re unlikely to know ourselves as well as we do when we’re older. When we’re younger, it’s easy to believe that external conditions will fulfill us.

When I ask myself who am I in THIS season of my life? I pay attention to the answers coming from the deepest, wisest part of myself.

I love connecting with people one on one.

I love contemplating big life questions and asking them of others.

I know that the truth…that silent, still voice in me…is worth listening to.

I love expressing myself through writing and podcasting.

I know who I am AND I’m always learning more about myself.

I’m interested in being real and see little value in being fake…no matter the social consequences.

Believe me, this is not who I was 20 years ago!

(See what I’m getting at?)

Rather than asking what job would make me happy?, make an honest assessment of your life right now. Notice what your values are and what things light you up.

Asking yourself this important question lets you find yourself on the map, so to speak.

Because I know myself pretty well, I know that there are paths that would not work for me. Even if they were lucrative or prestigious.

Ask yourself who am I?…and really listen to the answer.

This step is vitally important and deserves some time. It may be tempting to jump right to the job applications…but discovering your next act won’t be an overnight process.

Who are you at this point in YOUR life?

What’s important to you?

What lights you up?

What makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?

What do you really give a sh*t about?

How do you see yourself?

If you were paid well to do something that feels exciting, invigorating AND meaningful - and the sky was the limit - what would that be?

Spend some time with this line of inquiry. At this point, don’t place limits on yourself or question whether your dream is feasible. There will be time to get real later on. For now, connect with your inner truth and let your imagination be as unlimited as possible.

If you enjoy journaling, you’ll find that writing your thoughts is powerful. Alternatively, you could speak them into the voice memo app on your phone, or type them into a document.

Just do the work.

Make the inner connection.

You may be surprised and encouraged with what you learn about yourself.

Click here to schedule a free connection call. And for more juicy life stuff, check out my podcast, coming home (to yourself). As always, may your week be filled with self-love and rich insights. With love, Amy ♡♡♡


line up with yourself


when you’re bored with what you do