Go ahead! BE a turd in the punchbowl.
Boy, do I love a good poop joke. It’s true! In fact, I come from a family that loves poop jokes. We always say that when we get together, it only takes 20 minutes for one of us to crack an inappropriate bathroom joke. When I met my husband in 2017, one of his most attractive features - besides his chiseled good looks and deep spiritual sensitivity - was that HIS family loves poop jokes too. In fact, his family puts mine to shame…it takes them on average less than 2 minutes to get rolling. The universal synchronicity was not lost on me…I knew when I met my sweetie’s family that we were cooking with gas. 💨💨💨
If you’ve been reading my blog for a minute, you know that most of my posts are self-helpy and esoteric. Just the stuff you’d expect from a Life Coach. There’s a reason for that: I love going deep! Deep thoughts turn me on, light me up, and float my boat. I really do spend a lot of time contemplating how to understand myself, my life, and the world better.
But I also have a humorous side. Some people close to me say I’m actually funny. I have a knack for comparing the faces of people and animals. For instance, our cat Nala looks like Marge Simpson. And our other cat Spartacus looks like Benedict Cumberbatch.
Nala and Marge. Am I right?
Spartacus and Benedict. Dead ringer.
At this point, you may be asking, ‘what is this post really about, Amy?’ Here’s the thing. I absolutely adore writing my weekly blogs and think of them as love letters to y’all. I am both proud and naive enough to feel that LOTS of people need to be reading them. So the other day I made a Facebook post saying, ‘next week’s message will make you snort out loud.’ Sneaky, right?
Once I hit ‘post’, I realized it was a pretty tall order. And not only do I anticipate a vulnerability hangover from this blog post; I’m prepared to get some unfollows. Between my cheeky tone and using the words ‘poop’ and ‘turd’, this message is bound to irk some people. However, while this post is not really spiritual or self-helpy, it does communicate something I feel is important. And that is showing a side of myself that is different, irreverent, a little weird, and not in-line with the status quo. Because that’s also a part of who I am.
For those of you who want to read deep meaning into this, consider that I’m using the ‘turd in the punch bowl’ metaphor to talk about my actual love of poop humor. So it’s kind of a multi-dimensional, fractal, patterns-within-patterns situation, don’t you think? Like a turd looking at itself between two mirrors, reflecting endless turdy realities? You’re welcome.
In summary, my message this week: dare to show your weird side. There is something about YOU that would cause the little old ladies at the Women’s Auxiliary Board to gasp and click their tongues…I know there is. Why not show it? Let your freak flag fly! Because the world needs all of you. And that’s the poop.